9 Ways to Extend Your DIY Lash Extensions' Wear Time

If you’ve ever had eyelash extensions, you know how amazing it is that you can now do them at home. You can save hundreds of dollars, and with proper care DIY can last just as long!

DIY Lash Extensions are definitely the new way to go. The new DIY Lash Extensions stay on for up to two weeks. The new TB Cosmetics™ Super Extended Wear DIY Lashes can stay on for up to a whopping 6 weeks with proper care! But how on earth can they last that long?
The secret is in the non-irritating bond and sealant and in that proper care I mentioned. So what do you need to do to get that type of hold? It’s not any different than getting great hold from salon extensions, but without the $200 price tag, and they only take minutes to apply at home.
Here’s what you need to do.
- Wait 48 hours before getting lashes wet or showering. This is important because you want the sealant and glue to be very well set.
- Find ways to avoid smashing your lashes all night. Always use a contoured silk or satin sleep mask while sleeping. Another option is to sleep on an ergonomic pillow where your eyes don’t touch the pillow, or sleep on your back. I don’t know about you, but I’m not sleeping beauty. I cannot control how I sleep so the mask or pillow are the way to go for me. Always use a silk or satin pillowcase for the least pull on both your skin and your lashes.
- This may seem obvious but do not rub your eyes or pick at your lashes. This can also damage your natural lashes. These lashes are really adhered well so when you pull in them, you’re pulling on your natural lashes too.
- Re-apply sealant every day, near the lash line only. This is extremely important. A fresh seal every day is key!
- Always be gentle with your lashes. This is pretty obvious too but some people are pretty aggressive lash curlers and other tools.
- You probably guessed this was coming next; Don’t curl your lashes after applying your DIY extensions. You shouldn’t need to anyway. Yhe curl in tour DIY lashes is permanent!
- Don’t use lotions or serums on eyelids, especially anything oil based. You could dissolve the bond.
- Never use oil-based or two-part eye makeup remover. That can also dissolve the bond and sealant. Never fear, the remover will remove your lashes gently, when it's time.
Skip additional eye makeup as much as possible. You won’t need much anyway, once you have gorgeous lashes!

¡Puedes hacerlo!
El kit inicial de pestañas de uso súper extendido tiene
todo lo necesario para PESTAÑAS SIN COSTURAS y hasta 6 SEMANAS DE PESTAÑAS POR
¡APLICACIÓN y más allá! ¡Parece que pasaste 2 horas en el salón en 5 minutos!
Recibes todo lo que necesitas para facilitar
Aplicación, cuidado diario y eliminación sin daños y sin productos químicos agresivos como
cianoacrilato, formaldehído, látex o parabenos.
TB Cosmetics
DIY Lash Extension Kit + BONUS 140 LASH CLUSTERS

Nuestro sistema de pestañas de uso súper extendido es
diseñado para aquellos que anhelan una belleza duradera, resistente al agua y a prueba de vida. Tú
No tendrás que preocuparte por que las pestañas se corran, se descamen o se pierdan prematuramente.
¡Estas pestañas permanecen fijas, lo que garantiza que luzcas lo mejor posible durante semanas!

¡100 % de tasa de éxito en nuestro grupo de pruebas de alergia! *
Has leído bien, ni una sola persona informó sensibilidad o irritación ocular,
¡Incluso aquellos que eran sensibles a otros productos para los ojos!
Productos químicos utilizados en la mayoría de las extensiones. Suave desde la aplicación hasta la eliminación, hay
no hay productos químicos agresivos como el cianoacrilato,
formaldehído, látex o parabenos.

ADJUNTO DE DESGASTE SÚPER EXTENDIDO - Nuestro SELLADOR Y Aglutinante de Desgaste Súper Extendido
crea hasta 6 semanas de retención. Esta fórmula es la culminación de cinco años
¡de investigación!